5 Ways to Boost Your Pinterest Marketing Plan

Pinterest Issa AsadInternet marketing has become the most popular marketing strategy for nearly all organizations in the market place today. This can be credited to the fact that more and more people access the internet daily, and especially social networks such as Pinterest and Instagram.

So, which is the best and most cost effective platform to market your business? Pinterest of course! Apart from connecting people based specifically on their common interests, Pinterest has proven to be the most cost effective online marketing platform for numerous industries.

“Without a doubt, if you have incorporating Pinterest in the online marketing strategy for your business, then you are in the right path towards success,” said Issa Asad, Florida entrepreneur and social media marketing expert. Mr. Asad is the CEO of Q Link Wireless and Quadrant Holdings, both located in South Florida.

So, how can you boost your Pinterest marketing plan? This article will explain the 5 ways to boost your Pinterest marketing plan.

1. Always Keep Your Pinterest Board Clean and Organized

Essentially, a well organized Pinterest board is more appealing and hence likely to attract more visitors. If your board is too large, then it is advisable to separate the content according to their category, by simply creating several boards. Indeed, this will enhance the neatness of your board and visitors would be compelled to take a look. Furthermore, if you are promoting your business on Pinterest, ensure you use the appropriate classification so that users can easily understand and browse through your brands with ease.

2. Always Learn From Your Customers

In real sense, customers are the “heart” of every business. Therefore, every activity or trend they use should be observed with a lot of keenness. You can easily learn your customers’ interests by following their activities on your board such as, looking who is pinning from your pinterest domain, who is actually following you and who is re-pining your content. In order to follow more users, you can use Pinterest automation software that is very effective.

3. Create Wish Lists

Obviously, a lot of users would be attracted to your board if it features a wish list for special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, weddings etc. Generally, customers find it suitable to share their ideas and needs on the board and therefore they may consider coming back for future purchases.

4. Make Inspiring and Exciting Content

Basically, customers are drawn to something that is interesting and engaging. One way to create an appealing post is to offer incentives to your followers including some giveaway events. If you successfully do this, believe me; your sales will boom within a very short period of time.

5. Always Pin Sharable Images

Let’s face it; the real reason you pin images on Pinterest is to get as many likes, comments, new followers and repins as possible. Therefore, the kind of images you pin should be compelling enough for users to share, like, comment, or pin. It is a fact that images with multiple prevailing colors are more appealing than those with a single prevailing color. Similarly, a lot of people prefer images without a human face than those with. In fact, images with a human face are repined 23% less than those without.